Wednesday, April 01, 2009


I was at a loose end so I decided to reread some of my blog archives. Apart from discovering that I can't actually write, I found this snippet in one of the comments from my reader (or "brother" is the more correct technical term).

John Kettley is a weather man
A weather man
A weather man
John Kettley is a weather man
And so is Michael Fish

This is a bizarre coincidence since it was one of the favourite ditties of my friend, Andy Wolage.

Here's what it should sound like:

Crikey I can't remember writing that in your comments. Nice to hear the original - I only knew of it because it was also one of the favourites of my old university chum Owen (with the motorbike).

On another subject - have you booke your hotel(s) for the wedding event of the year yet?
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