Friday, April 08, 2005

Young man...

This week I took delivery of a brand spanking new television set. Since I've been deprived of a televisual experience for nearly a whole year, I've gone on a bit of a binge and I've been watching stuff I'd never have considered before.

Whilst flicking through the delights that make up NTL's music TV selection, I came upon VH1 classic which happened to be showing the video for YMCA. Eager to spot the "one that really is gay" - the red indian I believe - I watched the vid from start to end. The red indian was fairly obvious, but what was not obvious was the dance.

You know the dance. It's the one you do in the night club after eight bottles of Stella and four hours of mind numbing garige which you loathe except for "Groove is in the Heart" (on now as I type) and the DJ has finally got round to playing some real music including Village People and you're too drunk to get the "C" the right way around thus making an "O" with Sara or perhaps an "x" depending on which side she is standing and also just before what one DJ called "the erection selection" which is usually "Lady in Red".

Well on the video, they don't do that.

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